New grouping visualization graphs

We understand that the number of graphs was getting quite large and it was difficult to see in smaller screens. We've streamlined our graphs to make your data easier to view, especially on smaller screens. Plus, we've added new graphs to show average metrics by URL, keyword name, tags, or localizations.

Average Position
Track the average position of your project over time. Group data by URL, keyword name, tags, or localizations to see each business line’s overview.

Organic Visibility
Monitor your project's organic visibility progress. Group data similarly to the Average Position graph by tag, location, URL, etc.

Position Overview
We've combined three graphs to show how your keyword positions are changing over time: Relative Position Distribution, Absolute Position Distribution, and Position Changes.

You can now see both the Average Position and Organic Visibility graphs under the Competitors navigation item.

Additionally, since the number of graphs is growing (and more to come), and we understand that each user may have different visualizations needs, to make your experience smoother, TrueRanker now remembers the last graph you viewed. So, if you were checking the Organic Visibility graph by tags, it’ll be the first thing you see next time, saving you clicks and time.